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What You Need to Know About The Unconscious Mind

The unconscious mind is the key to changing behaviour, perception, emotions, and healing. Essentially, it is the key to changing anything!

The unconscious mind is a part of the mind that is outside of our conscious awareness.

It holds feelings, thoughts, and memories which influences our behaviour. It knows so much more than the conscious mind. If we are not accessing that part of our brain, of our selves, we are missing information to help us reach our potential.

Neuroscience tells us that our unconscious mind is much more powerful than our conscious thinking mind.

To work with the unconscious mind we must learn what it does.

The Jobs of the unconscious mind Or what NLP calls PRIME DIRECTIVES OF THE UNCONSCIOUS MIND

(the important ones)

1.Stores memories

· Temporal (in relationship to time)

· Atemporal (not in relationship to time)

2. Is the domain of the emotions-where the emotions are stored

3.Organizes all your memories according to feeling and subject in a time line fashion

4.Represses memories with unresolved negative emotion

5.Presents repressed memories for resolution when it feels like the time is right. This may come up in the form of pain, bodily sensations, dreams, or sleeplessness. May keep the repressed emotions repressed for protection

Often we get into relationships that bring these up for resolution to make rational and to release emotions.

6.Runs the body which has a blueprint of perfect health and is always working toward homeostasis Preserves the body**Maintains the integrity of the body. It also runs the body with the programming you give it! Which is your limiting decisions, beliefs, values, and thoughts! This program runs overtop of the original blueprint of perfect health.

7.Is a highly moral being (the morality you were taught and accepted, usually as children)

· Norms about “right” and “wrong”

8. Enjoys serving, needs clear orders to follow-

9. Controls and maintain all perceptions

· Regular

· Telepathic

· Receives and transmits perceptions to the conscious mind

Our story-and life experiences define our perceptions of the world and ourselves most of which is formed by the age of 8 and we are operating from this space- Can you imagine consciously allowing a 7 year old to make the decisions and run the show in some area of your life? Consciously you would not allow this. But unconsciously this is what is happening!

Our self perception comes from our

Environment, self and people around you

“The moment you change your perception is the moment you change the chemistry of your body” Bruce Lipton

The way you view yourself, others and the world has an impact

There is an impact on your interaction with yourself, with others and an impact on your life and in your communication.

We take in through our neurology 11 million bits of information per second. We are only consciously aware of 132 bits. How we chose those bits are due to our values, beliefs, and decisions which filters out all that is not congruent with those values, beliefs and experiences. This literally creates your reality! Perception is projection!

10. Generates, stores, distributes and transmits "energy"

11. Maintains instincts and generate habits

Fight or fight

Needs repetition until a habit is installed

12. Is programmed to continually seek more and more (continued learning)

· There is always more to discover also drives substance abuse

13. Functions best as a whole integrated unit

· Does not need parts to function

14. Is symbolic

· Uses and responds to symbols

· Thinks in symbols.

15.Takes everything personally. Which is why it is so important to be clear with the self. Follow through for yourself and talk to yourself and others positively (The basis of Perception is Projection)

16.Works on the principle of least effort

· Path of least resistance - little as can to create results.

· we need to get real specific

Ok so now what? How do we us this information?

Working with your unconscious mind:

#1 because it is the domain of our emotions. Learn how to master your emotions – by this I do not mean suppress your emotions. This includes awareness, use and release of emotions.

Paying attention to our inner dialogue, our triggers anytime where there is inappropriate emotion or a wondering of where did that come from or saying hurtful things you didn’t mean to say. Become aware of these and release them using Time Line Therapy®

#2 Get clear on where you with to go, and who you want to be.

#3 Heal all. Heal what needs to be healed our negative core beliefs, and all limiting decisions that prevent you from going after what you want. This can be done quickly and completely with Time Line Therapy®

#4 Take consistent action in creating new pathways in your brain so that your actions align with what is is you want.

Using techniques found in NLP make this easier. As an NLP coach who uses Time Line Therapy® I know this doesn't have to be hard you just have to do the work. When you recognize that you have the power to change, anything is possible!

If your want help, guidance or support with this book a free discovery call Here


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